Interested in how our systems engineers can help deliver your project on brief, on time and on budget? Contact us to discuss your needs or find out more about how we could work together.

Synoptix brings a wide range of expertise to communication systems thanks to extensive experience in the development of integrated systems and platforms.
Communication networks and systems are complex, and require an enterprise understanding to ensure success. This understanding needs to span data flows, interfaces and timeliness of data, along with the whole capability viewpoint, which includes training, technology, infrastructure and logistics.
We employ both conventional and model based systems engineering approaches and toolsets, to make sure we achieve an enterprise view.
WiFi in the sky
One example is our work in the development of “WiFi in the sky” for commercial airline usage.
This included ground-breaking modelling and simulation techniques to understand radio frequencies propagation characteristics for both satellite and ground-based transmission systems. We also provide digital communication system design services, including complex system architecting and integration support across various industries and domains.
Secure by design cybersecurity
As with all complex digitised communication systems, security has become an essential requirement: Synoptix can provide “Secure by Design” cybersecurity consultancy to ensure communications systems are robust and resilient to protect against increasingly prevalent security threats.
Ground-breaking research programmes
All communication systems, databases, web enabled services and datalinks have potential vulnerabilities which are ever increasingly exposed to potential hacking threats from all over the world. We’re conducting ground-breaking cyber security research programmes with world leading universities to combat these threats to ensure a safer and better protected world.
Synoptix brings a wide range of expertise to communication systems thanks to extensive experience in the development of integrated systems and platforms.
Communication networks and systems are complex, and require an enterprise understanding to ensure success. This understanding needs to span data flows, interfaces and timeliness of data, along with the whole capability viewpoint, which includes training, technology, infrastructure and logistics.
We employ both conventional and model based systems engineering approaches and toolsets, to make sure we achieve an enterprise view.
WiFi in the sky
One example is our work in the development of “WiFi in the sky” for commercial airline usage.
This included ground-breaking modelling and simulation techniques to understand radio frequencies propagation characteristics for both satellite and ground-based transmission systems. We also provide digital communication system design services, including complex system architecting and integration support across various industries and domains.
Secure by design cybersecurity
As with all complex digitised communication systems, security has become an essential requirement: Synoptix can provide “Secure by Design” cybersecurity consultancy to ensure communications systems are robust and resilient to protect against increasingly prevalent security threats.
Ground-breaking research programmes
All communication systems, databases, web enabled services and datalinks have potential vulnerabilities which are ever increasingly exposed to potential hacking threats from all over the world. We’re conducting ground-breaking cyber security research programmes with world leading universities to combat these threats to ensure a safer and better protected world.