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This plan is written to demonstrate the company’s awareness and commitment to a cleaner and healthier environment for all. The company is aware also that its operations may have a small impact on the environment, but recognises it is uniquely placed to lead by example and observe and report to its clients where their operations may also have an impact.

Company Environmental Policy

The company’s current Environmental Policy (1) focuses heavily on ensuring the use of sustainable energy sources, and practicing responsible waste management. The positive effect of this policy can be seen in the 23/24 Synoptix Carbon Footprint Baseline.

Baseline Carbon Footprint 23/24 (calculated by Normative (2))

The 23/24 carbon footprint shows that the vast majority of the company’s emissions can be credited to (in order of largest quantity in tonnes of CO2e): purchased goods and services; heating; and business travel. Combined, these account for 98% of the company’s total CO2e emissions.

Reduction Targets

- Net-Zero 2050

With the company’s current CO2e emissions being 140 Tonnes, regular development, implementation, and review of the company’s carbon reduction strategy is required to enable the company to realise an annual reduction in emissions of no less than 5.4 Tonnes CO2e. In addition to this, other strategies need to be implemented in order to achieve Net-Zero by 2050, to mitigate against the residual carbon emissions that the company is unable to avoid (Carbon credits, Carbon sequestration).

Carbon Reduction Plan

The following areas have been identified as the company’s three largest emitters, and the actions that will be taken to reduce these are listed.

1. Purchased goods and services

The company will ensure that all purchased goods and services are checked for their carbon emissions and sustainability, with sustainability being heavily considered when making decisions between goods and suppliers.

2. Heat

The company has implemented an Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) system to improve the heating and cooling efficiency of the building. This will increase the company’s electricity use; however, this impact is negated as the company’s electricity comes from 100% renewable sources.

3. Travel

The company will use incentives to encourage staff to travel using forms of public transport, such as trains, coaches, and buses when travelling to and from the office, customer sites, and events. In the event that a private car must be used or hired, car sharing will be incentivised.

Monitoring and Reporting

- Audit

The company’s carbon footprint is to be re-measured yearly, with progress assessed against the current issue of the carbon reduction plan. We will implement this plan through a management system and monitor its effectiveness with an annual self-evaluation of our performance, finalised by a formal review. Following this the carbon reduction plan will be re-evaluated, adjusted accordingly, and re-issued complying with all applicable laws and regulations. In addition to this, the company’s Net-Zero by 2050 target will be tracked and validated in line with either the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) (3) or Carbon Neutral Britain (4).

- Training Personnel

We will implement our plan through changes to policies and guidelines, in addition to staff training on sustainable best practice.

- Communication to Staff

The company intends to disseminate the plan to employees via emails, training and briefings.

Carbon Reduction Plan

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